Sunday, August 31, 2008

Where Have I Been?

I know, I know. It's been a while...

Sorry for the major time gap in entries, I've just been really busy working. I'm looking at newer cars, as it appears that my current one is beyond repair. Am I happy about having to start making a car payment? No. Am I looking forward to driving something nicer, newer, and with better gas mileage around? Heck yeah! I've got several different models in mind, and I'm narrowing my search as we speak.

I'm also about to have to spring for a new cell phone here in the next few weeks, so I'm trying not to wonder what other pricey item of mine will have to be replaced in the near future. You can bet I've been treating my iPod with kid gloves. Keep Murphy's Law off of my computer!

Other than this, I've been getting caught up on my TV shows, reading, and fitting in as many walks during the week as I can. You can see that I've kept pretty busy since my last post. What have all of you been doing? Catch me up.