Sunday, April 27, 2014

Geeky Bunny Rests

I'm in the process of training for a new position at work, and with the extra hours I'm putting in, my brain is marshmallow fluff when I get home.  I'm still covering my old position while they're looking for someone else to replace me, so sadly I won't have a lot of time to churn out worthwhile entries, but I'll be back in the next couple of weeks with plenty to post about.  I hope you all have a great week ahead and if you have a topic you'd like me to cover or if you like something I'm already doing, I welcome your comments.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Recipe Thursday: Lazy Bunny Cooks

I love to cook.  I wouldn't consider myself lazy so much as pressed for time and cash. That said, I have found some great, easy recipes this week that will make you look like the Anthony Bourdain of your dorm floor or one bedroom apartment.

Wonderpots!  Buzzfeed Food has put together this list of 21 One-Pot Pastas that look absolutely amazing. I'm salivating over the photos. You will, too.

They also gave us these 14 upgrades for your easy go-to staples, like ramen and mac and cheese.
Go ahead, invite your mom over. Show her you've got it together, even if you still use your veggie crispers for beer storage.

The Brokeass Gourmet has some really useful recipes for when you need to stretch your dollar until your next check.  This one for Guacamole Salad looks like it would be amazing spooned over black beans and wrapped up in a whole wheat tortilla.

Lastly, this NSFW site is uncouth, hilarious and full of great recipes. At first it looks like a joke, but I've tried a couple of the recipes and it's legit, Home Skillet. (See what I did there?) Not super fast or cheap, but very, very funny.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Product Review Wednesday: Alaffia Everyday Coconut Skin Care

I'm a strange banana when comes to beauty products.  I'm a strange banana period, but I digress. I love natural things and try to use them whenever possible, but I also glam it up but good on occasion, so I will try almost everything out there if it's reputable, I like what the company stands for, and it's within my meager budget. My skin is super picky, though.  It's getting a little older, but still breaks out like a teenager once a month. Anything too rich can really send me into an oil spill situation, which is why I wanted to love coconut oil as my only face care item, but couldn't get into it. I'm also kinda sensitive, which is a pain in the neck.

Enter Alaffia Everyday Coconut Skincare. Each step comes in a large bottle for around $8.99 a pop, so it's crazy-affordable. It contains coconut, which will give your skin a creamy glow and neem which is reported to help curb breakouts, especially the hormonal ones I'm still getting. I'm using the cleanser, toner and night lotion from the line. I haven't been able to purchase the day lotion yet, but wow. My skin has the clarity and texture I've tried for years to get with more expensive products. The day lotion does contain a SPF so I will be picking it up soon.

What's really neat about Alaffia as a brand though, is what they stand for. The EveryDay Coconut line specifically was created by Alaffia to increase coconut oil production in Togo, Africa but to stay low on the prices during the tough times we're facing economically. 10% of their sales go to support their many empowerment projects in Togo.

With Bicycles for Education, used bikes donated by people in the US help kids in Togo stay in school. Over 4000 bicycles have been given to over 70 villages to give children the means to travel. Alaffia also helps moms. Over 700 women are given prenatal care each year, which is major considering 1 in 16 will die from pregnancy and complications related to birth. They also plant 8,000 trees a year and provide school supplies and repairs in places that need them.

Alaffia has many other products, including handcrafted shea butter that gets me through super dry winters, but with their major world improvement efforts it seems like a no-brainer.  Look good and feel better about all the good you're facilitating.

You can buy Alaffia products at Whole Foods and Natural Grocers or online, directly from the website.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

TV Tuesday

It's TV Tuesday, Ya'll. (That was my Tammy Taylor impression. If you didn't get it, go watch Friday Night Lights now.) I've got some interesting little gems for you this week, so go make a snack and let's curl up on the couch.

Louie is coming back for a fourth season. The trailer is available here.

There is also a new trailer up for Netflix's Orange is the New Black. It's NSFW, due to language. 

Though it's technically a movie, my favorite Television-God, Joss Whedon, has written a new film script called In Your Eyes!   The Mary Sue has the first 3 minutes.

There have been a lot of big time spoilers for Game of Thrones circulating on the internet lately.  If you read the books, you tend to avoid all that.  Just sayin'. 

I still miss Breaking Bad.  Here are 10 things you might not have known about the show.

You can stop biting your nails.  Here are 30 shows getting another year, at least.
To be fair though, I see a few that need to just walk off into the sunset.

Speaking of cancellations, what are your favorites that got the axe before their time?  My top 10, in no particular order, (but Firefly is first), are:

1. Firefly, of course.
2. Veronica Mars
3. Freaks and Geeks
4. Pushing Daisies
5. My So-Called Life
6. Twin Peaks
7. Dollhouse
8. Party Down
9. The Black Donnelys
10. Chicago Code

Send me your selections. I'd love to hear what you think. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Music Monday: Record Store Day

For Record Store Day this year (which was Saturday, so I apologize for my lateness), R.E.M released two 'Unplugged' performances that were seen on MTV in 1991 and 2001. Included on the 4-LP set are several unaired tracks, including what's being called "a more somber version" of 87's The One I Love. The digital downloads and cd versions will be available on May 20th if you're too cool for vinyl.

There was also a special edition of Nirvana's Pennyroyal Tea from the band's last studio album, In Utero. It was originally scheduled for release this month, 20 years ago, but it was abandoned in the wake of Kurt's death, so this is pretty friggin' historic if you care at all about music.

There was also a re-release of Oasis' Supersonic on 12" and as well as singles and re-releases from The Beach Boys, Chvrches, Joy Division, LCD Soundsystem, and a very rare limited-edition Paul Weller 7". If you manage to get your hands on it, I'd just like to smell it.  I promise to wear gloves.

On a personal note, though due to limited funds I was unable to participate this year, things like Record Store day are a BIG DEAL. If you love music, you should be supporting your local independent music stores. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the convenience of iTunes and digital downloads, but I think it's really preventing the younger generation from being party to the joy of spending an afternoon and really digging into a new album by a band you love. There is just something amazing about looking through the liner notes, reading lyrics, appreciating the art and photography, and just letting the whole thing wash over you. These types of stores aren't just selling you music, they are selling you an experience. Don't let them go the way of the dinosaur.  Art is to be cherished.

I've said my piece, now start listening. 
Damon Albarn, The Beach Boys, Chvrches, Edwyn Collins, Disclosure, Fleetwood Mac, Haim, Joy Division, Kings Of Leon, Metronomy, OutKast, Slipknot and The Rolling Stones,
Damon Albarn, The Beach Boys, Chvrches, Edwyn Collins, Disclosure, Fleetwood Mac, Haim, Joy Division, Kings Of Leon, Metronomy, OutKast, Slipknot and The Rolling Stones,

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Geeky Bunny's Week in Review: Easter Edition

Happy Easter, Everyone.  I'm foregoing my usual weekly roundup to share some of the fun stuff floating around on the internet today.  Grab your baskets and get hopped up on candy. Here's the best of the best for your holiday.

I sing this on most days, but it seems most appropriate today, so enjoy:

Even though I totally disagree with Reese's Eggs landing in the #9 slot, Buzzfeed has the Ultimate Ranking of Easter Candy.

You can make beautiful silk dyed Easter eggs, with my homegirl, Martha. Not sure I'd want to cut up Hermes scarves for this, though.

According to Gawker, maybe you should think about going to church, today.  I gotta say, it kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth, though. 

Want to be festive, but not too festive? Here are a few songs to put on your Easter playlist that are accidentally appropriate. Well, okay.  Maybe they're more 4/20 appropriate.

Magnetic Fields - Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits
Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit
Bright Eyes - Down in a Rabbit Hole
Kimya Dawson - Velvet Rabbit
Tom Waits - Chocolate Jesus
UNKLE (featuring Thom Yorke) – Rabbit In Your Headlights.  
Beastie Boys – Egg Man. 
Wolfmother - Cosmic Egg
Mr. Bungle - Egg
Candy - Iggy Pop and Kate Pierson

Have I forgotten any?  Send me your selections and I'm serious about that ham. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lazy Saturday Edition

I've been away for a couple of days, but I'm back now.  I helped my Mom move last weekend and have realized that I'm not so much a spring chicken anymore, whatever that means.  I'd made big plans to go through all of my closets, drawers and cabinets and do a super purge of stuff I no longer need but can donate, sell or trash.  It's after 1 pm and I'm still in my jammies, though.  I'm pretty sure this will be a next weekend kind of project.  Instead, here are some things I found while screwing around on the internet and not cleaning.

The Body Shop is having a huge sale this weekend. It's in-store and online, so none of that pesky leaving the house business.  Peruse in your yoga pants and Star Wars t-shirt. (It's the official uniform of online shopping.)

Want to work on that screenplay, but don't feel like getting in the car and driving to Starbucks? Bring the noise to your living room.  This may also prove useful when your friends call and accuse you of being antisocial.  "No way.  I'm totally out getting a latte and definitely not sitting on the couch with Netflix muted."

This is an awesome playlist called Let's Snuggle.  Perfect for naps and nuzzling.

I have no idea what the hell this thing is, but I made some dope beats with it. Look out, David Guetta.

Lifehack wants to remove your shame about taking it easy, you guys.  Read this because science.

Off to doze and marathon some Parks and Rec.  Hope you're all enjoying your downtime!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Product Review Wednesday: Natural Calm

I have been under a remarkable amount of stress, lately. I'm looking for a better job, trimming costs from an already tight budget, and trying to keep some semblance of a social life at the same time. This wreaks havoc on my neck and shoulders.  Tension forms there until I'm so tense I can hardly move.

I've also been putting some stress on my body in good ways, by working out.  I'm trying to slim down and tone up, which is going well. It also creates some soreness and stiffness in areas that haven't seen much action in a while. This also comes out as debilitating leg cramps at night. They have woken me up screaming in the past because they were so painful. 

The best product I used the entire time I worked around vitamins and supplements was Natural Calm by Natural Vitality. The magic comes in the form of powdered magnesium citrate, a mineral we don't get enough of in the average American diet. When our bodies are deficient in magnesium we can have trouble getting to sleep, store tension in our muscles, and experience anxiety, salt cravings and even depression.

I put two teaspoons in a mug, add hot water to the powder, let it fizz, stir and sip the stuff like tea. What follows is the slow release of daily tensions until I am simply ready for natural, restful sleep. It was a godsend this weekend after helping my mom move.  I think it saved me from being confined to bed all day Sunday with terrible muscle cramps.It comes in Lemon, Orange, Cherry, Raspberry Lemon and Unflavored. They all taste a little like Alka-Seltzer to me, but I found the Orange one to be the most pleasing.

The only bit of warning I will give is to start out small when you first start taking magnesium. Too much too fast relaxes everything, if you catch my drift.  If you don't catch my drift, I'm talking about your bowels.  Sweet Jesus, just watch yourself, okay?

That said, I don't know how I would get by without this stuff. I can't stop tension from creeping up on me during the day. I can be a blissful, happy girl at bedtime, though. Sound lovely? Get the stuff cheaply here or look for single packets at Whole Foods and Natural Grocers to test them out first.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

TV Workouts: Wait, What?

I'm trying to be better to my body. I'm getting to be an age where weight doesn't just fall off if I lay off the soda and chips for a week.  It takes real effort to get that scale to budge. This is heartbreaking for a girl who loves watching television and movies, and sold her Gazelle a couple of years to make ends meet.

Turns out there are actually quite a few workouts created to go along with your favorite movies and shows. Game of Thrones has one, Harry Potter (well, Sorcerer's Stone, anyway), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, even New Girl. The idea is to treat it like a drinking game, only instead of taking shots when something happens on your screen you do lunges, squats or chest flys.  If you want to play True American when you're done, that's totally up to you.

This Tumblr has several that geeks like me can appreciate, but there are tons out there. Just looking for something active to do during commercial breaks? Fitness Magazine put this easy peasy workout together for you.  All you need is a couch, throw pillow and a remote! 

I guess there will be no more snuggling in while I continue to marathon House, M.D., but I sure will look cute in my vintage surf bikini!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Music Monday: Rain Edition

Music Monday is going to be a cold and wet one here, so I'm giving  you my top singles and albums to listen to on a rainy day. Settle in with your Earl Grey, put on your alma mater sweatshirt and curl up under your coziest blanket. I've got your ears covered, though.

It took me a while to jump on the Ray LaMontagne bandwagon, mostly because he was sorta preppy cool before I was willing to listen anything that wasn't signed to an indie label. The fact is, the guy's voice will knock the breath out of you. "Airwaves" from his March 18th album, Supernova, is both young and old at the same time. The blue-eyed soul and beautiful lyrics aren't hard to listen to, either. This is possibly my favorite new single this week.

I love Rufus Wainwright. I'd have to say you can't possibly go wrong with any of his albums during a rainstorm.  His lyrics are poetry. His melodies divine.  "In My Arms" from his self-titled debut album is a perfect example.

Belle and Sebastian typically hits it out of the park for me on a dreary day.  Their music is sleepy without putting you to sleep.  It usually keeps the good and mellow feeling going even after the sun comes out.  For this day, I'm picking If You're Feeling Sinister, the band's second album.

My absolute all time favorite song for rainy days, though? Eleanor Rigby. Sure, it makes me tear up a little every time I hear it, but sometimes you just need a good cry. Maybe that's why it rains to begin with.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Geeky Bunny's Week in Review

It's been a busy week for this bunny. I worked on a new song to record with the band, I helped my mom move, and got some kinda crummy news about a new job I was hoping to land. I didn't forget about you all, though.  Here are some things that happened this week that kept me smiling.

The Girl Meets World trailer is up.  It's very short, but worth the watch if you're still suffering from Cory and Topanga withdrawals:

FXX will air all 552 episodes of The Simpsons over 12 days, starting August 21st. Woo hoo!

Parks and Rec was ridiculously funny this week, and had an amazing guest star. I may rerun that bad boy as soon as I procure some blueberry wine.

Shonen Knife and Afghan Whigs both have albums coming out this week.  I'm having teenage mixtape flashbacks as I type this.

And if you do nothing else to round out your Sunday, The Muppets Take Manhattan is currently streaming on Netflix.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Apologies in Advance

This is really mostly my way of saying that I probably won't be posting for a couple of days, but Netflix is finally streaming House, M.D.  *squee* I don't care if it's formulaic and they use Interferon to treat everything.  I love it and Hugh Laurie's dazzling baby blues, and no one can convince me otherwise!

In the meantime, while you're waiting for a real post, please listen to this amazing Joseph Arthur song from S4E7: Ugly.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Au Revoir, Roseland

NYC's Roseland Ballroom closes it's doors today after being a music mainstay for 95 years.  My favorite live album, Portishead's Roseland NYC Live, was recorded there.  Lady Gaga will be it's final performer, with tickets reportedly selling for more than $300 a pop.

Roseland actually started in Philadelphia in 1917, but sought a change of scenery after the city's blue laws kept them from operating on Sundays. Two years later, in the heart of Manhattan, Roseland set up shop in a five story building at Broadway and 51st. It hosted jazz greats like Count Basie, Louis Armstrong and a young Ella Fitzgerald.

In 1956, after the original building was torn down, Roseland put it's roots down in an abandoned skating rink on West 52nd. It saw the rise of rock and disco, it's share of controversy and many and varied events over the years. It was considered a neighborhood menace after a teenager was shot there in 1984. Madonna performed an exclusive show that had fans waiting for days outside the venue only to go home after 30 minutes of music. Fiona Apple had her breakdown there. Hillary Clinton even celebrated her 53rd birthday within it's walls. 

There's no doubt it will be missed by many.  I'm only sorry my vacation will be next year, and not in time to see this piece of music history before it's lights go out. I'm a musician myself, and I'd often daydreamed about singing there. As of now, there are no plans for the building, but hopefully some of it's parts will be preserved as a living memorial of all the wonderful music that has played there over the years. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Geeky Bunny's Week in Review

Total Film put together the Top 30 WTF Moments of the Whedonverse. MAJOR spoilers ahead, if you aren't already a devout Whedonite.

Still pissed about the HIMYM ending?  The writers actually created an alternate and it'll be available on the DVD.  (Can we just pretend the original never existed?)

A Heathers sequel?  No, thank goodness, but Winona Ryder almost convinced Meryl Streep to be a part of it.

Bryan Cranston is writing a book about his time on Breaking Bad.  Put me on the waiting list now.

It's actually happening, you guys.  Star Wars Episode VII is shooting as I type. 

Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth are reuniting, and it feels so good!  Here is a teaser for Mystery Girls, airing in June on ABC Family:

Speaking of Jennie Garth, I've read several articles that say that Amanda Bynes, former star of What I Like About You, is looking very healthy after her stay in rehab.  I'm really pulling for her.

You need to take this Which Character from "The Sandlot" Are You? quiz immediately and post your result in the comments.   (I'm Ham.)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Blogging for the Cure

It's always been a dream of mine to start a charity in my father's name.  He lost his battle with cancer when I was just a baby, but the stories I've been told about him growing up have helped me to know him and keep him close. One of the stories that lead me down this path was how he'd cash his paycheck and take the loose change to playgrounds and schools and leave it for kids to find.  My dream for honoring him is to establish a foundation that bears his name and holds true to the generous, kind man that he was.  Aside from providing funds to help people receiving treatment for cancer, I want to make sure the loved ones supporting them also receive care. Whether it's taking care of a few months of bills and food, sending a kid to school or college, or just sending the family on a nice vacation to try to alleviate some of the stress of their lives, I want to make sure their needs are met, whatever they may be.

I've been really down lately because I'm very underemployed at the moment and am struggling just to meet my own needs. Though I'm making major strides to change that, I've felt like this dream has been slipping further and further from my grasp. It hit me in the past few days though, that there are really so many things I can do to get started in the spirit of giving, even if all I have to give are my words here and my time out there in the world.  I hope to shine light on charities doing good, humanitarians giving of their resources, and people who have inspiring stories of recovery and wellness to share.  I realize it sounds like a bit of a departure from what I'll be posting on here most days, but I promise to make it interesting and worth the time you'll spend reading it.

One of the things you can do right now is help support my sweet friend Sheree who is battling ovarian cancer.  She is tough as nails and has a heart as big as Texas. Her treatment is expensive and helping her cause by buying a Team Rea t-shirt through will help keep on her road to health. We need this amazing and awesome woman in the world, so lend your support to her family, and others who love her to pieces. 

I recently read about a wonderful organization while learning more about what my girl is going through that I think is really cool.  They are called Teal Toes, and they help spread the word about ovarian cancer by painting their toenails teal, the color of ovarian cancer awareness, and getting their friends and loved ones to do the same while talking to women about this silent killer. Included on the site is a list of places where you can purchase your polish, some of which actually help support finding a cure!  I already have my teal polish and happen to have a gift card for a pedicure in my purse right now.  I think I know what I'll be doing this afternoon.

Any of you have a charity or cause close to your heart?  Leave me a comment and I'll make sure to post about it in the coming days. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wil Wheaton Wednesday

OMG! *squee*  Wil Wheaton is coming to Syfy! Twelve episodes of The Wil Wheaton Project (which is a working title, as of the moment) will be coming to television in May.  It's being described  by Wil as "sort of like Talk Soup for geeks.", and a “weekly roundup of the things I love on television and on the Internet, with commentary and jokes, and the occasional visit from interesting people who make those things happen.”

Wait, Wil. Are you taking inspiration from my blog? I'm sooo flattered.  Of course I'll be on your show.  Have your people call my people and we'll set something up.

The show airs May 27th at 10pm EST.  You'd better believe I'll be watching.

If you don't get the appeal, or understand what he's all about, watch this video of him at a Denver Comic-Con panel responding to a little girl who was being bullied and called a nerd:

Class Act, Wheaton.  Class act all around.