Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

I just wanted to make sure to wish all the readers a wonderful 2008! Many changes are on my horizon, including more time to update, so look for more posts! Since I've been slacking on 5W Wednesdays, I thought I'd open up the comments for you all to post your resolutions. Here are a few of mine:

1. I will be better about taking photos of friends and family. Photography has always interested me and now that I have a camera, I'd love to just document life more. Maybe I'll even post a few here for you to see!

2. I will spend more time with my family, especially grandparents. Life moves so fast. It's important to let those you love know that you do.

3. I will get my new job started and my home business off the ground. Yes, it's a shamless plug, but if you want some Arbonne, message me and I'll be happy to help. When you see me around town in my white Mercedes, don't say I didn't ask! I'm going places with this:)

4. I will recycle. We don't have curbside service here, like I did in my hometown, but there are recycling facilities in nearly all the Walmart Supercenter parking lots and if I don't do it, I can't count on anyone else to. Remember that we don't inherit the Earth from our parents, it is on loan from our children.

5. I will worry less about things I have no control over. This is a big one for me, so I'm sure it won't be easy, but perspective, prayer, and some good tunes should help get me in the right frame of mind.

6. I will write more Thank Yous. It's something small, but can really make a person's day. If you're grateful for something someone's done for you, or given you, don't just tell them. Write it down.

Now it's your turn. What do you want this year to hold for you and your loved ones?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Beauty Review...

My budget dictates that I must wait until bills are paid before I get to try new things, but I went ahead and splurged on some new shampoo from Origins, and I am totally impressed.

Origins Knot Free Shampoo and Finishing Rinse are top rated in my book. My hair is pretty fine, but tangles very easily. If I don't use the right blend, I either wind up with an oil slick, or a matted mess. After the first use, my hair was shiny, smooth, and easily combed through. It had a very pleasant Peach and Black Currant scent that made it fun to use. It's nice knowing that I'm using a product that's cruelty-free and environmentally friendly, as well. It did not alter my color treated hair one bit, and I would venture to say, it protected it with all the feel-good ingredients. I would recommend this product to anyone, especially people with damaged hair who are looking to restore luster to their locks. Look for it in the large size, for $30 US, because you'll want to be sure you never run out. If your wallet looks at you funny, you can get small bottles around $12 US.

I'll be making this splurge from now on!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas...

I hope you're settled in for the evening. I also hope you have a day tomorrow that is filled with family, food, and happiness. I'd love to get some comments on how the holiday went for you, and what you unwrapped!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

A Plea From a Sick and Miffed Retail Employee...

Since I sound like a cross between Bea Arthur and Marge Simpson this morning and am also running a temperature, I am putting this plea out there. Please, please, pretty please, if you are sick, postpone your shopping excursions. This will be the second time I have been ill in the 3 weeks before Christmas. The people helping you purchase your presents are incredibly stressed already. This weakens our immune systems and passes any and all germs with a vengance. Make sure you're washing your hands constantly and DO NOT wait until the last minute to wrap up your gifting. I also ask that you please refrain from coughing on or around me. Frankly, that's just rude.

That being said, if you see me today, please be kind. I'd love nothing more than to go back to bed, but I'll be there wrapping your gifts, ringing your purchases, and doing my darndest to make sure you have a good Christmas, because I am an integral part of running the store you are shopping in. Next year, do not wait until the last 3 days to complete your list, and you will be giving your help the best present of all.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Answers for Thursday...

I got a question! Yay. It's a good one, too...

Anonymous said...
what are you asking santa for this year?

Anonymous, I didn't ask for much, but I'm really hoping for a digital camera. I've been meaning to take more pictures, and frankly, my little camera phone just isn't up to the task. Other than this, I'm putting any money I might receive toward a laptop because I will need to take it on appointments for my new job. My fingers are crossed for a Mac of some sort, because I'd love to use it for artwork, and I already have a pc. If not, just something that runs would be nice. Anything else I might get would just be a wonderful bonus. As long as I can spend a relaxing day with my family, I'll be happy!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I'm flipping through the latest issue of Spin, (which I got for free, btw), and I come across the coolest, minimalistic cd player I have ever seen. Upon investigation, I discovered it was manufactured by a Japanese company called Muji, who has just opened it's doors in the U.S. They have a multitude of items and great price points. Take a look! I don't know about you, but it makes me long for a total home makeover.

And, hey! Don't forget to send in your questions. I didn't get any last week, and I'd like to keep the answer session going!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh, Eddie...

...if only you would enunciate.

Enjoy. If you're as stressed as I am, I hope this makes you smile.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Snow Storm?

Nah. It was more like a light dusting. There are some icy patches on the roads, but not enough to cause any accidents. Thankfully, I have the day off tomorrow, and plan to avoid going out, in case my estimations are off.

Thought I'd post a few suggestions for last minute gifts I've seen while hunting around on my breaks from work. All of these things are available online, so you don't have to worry about braving the cold, or the crowds at the mall. A lot of these places giftwrap for free, so take advantage of it. It's a gift in and of itself.

Aveda has some great gifts for hair and body. They smell great, and are natural, too. Plus, they offer 2nd day shipping on orders of $40 or more.

Brookstone has these great lighted coasters. Put your clear glasses on them, and they light up, changing the color of your drink. They come 4 to a set, and would be great for that guy or gal on your list who seeks the unique.

Gap has some cute scarves, hats, and gloves. Look for the (PRODUCT) RED ones, for a warm gift that does good!

Origins has cute snow leopards for the kid in all of us. $3 from every purchase goes to save snow leopards in the Kyrgyzstan mountains in Central Asia. Sadly, only 300 are still roaming in their natural habitat.

Clinique has a unique gift idea. Customize a bottle of Happy with the photo of your choice. Get them in right away, though. It takes 10 business days for the finished product.

That's what I saw today. I'll post more ideas for you in the days to come. I hope everyone is staying warm and isn't stressing. I know it's cliched to tell you to remember "the reason for the season", but I hope it helps to put gifting into perspective. It's not about the gifts we give, but about the gift we were given!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Well, Dear Readers...

We're bracing for yet another storm today into Saturday, but this time, we're facing snow instead of ice. Frankly, I'm ready to pack up and move. This entry serves as fair warning, in case I lose power. It's just so sad that the people who are still without heat and electricity from the last storm, will probably not see it back on until next week when this all clears. Anyone have a tropical timeshare they might be willing to let me use?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oh, Yeah...

...send in those questions. I'll see what I can do about getting them up by tomorrow evening.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Ice is Melting...

...but tons of people are still without power. It doesn't look like it will be back on for at least a week, so this is just a quick entry, that many of you will probably not be able to read anyway.

I spotted this on It's the 9 Most Unnecessary Greatest Hits Albums of All Time. It's great for a giggle.

It's not going to dazzle or amaze you, but if you're a House fan, give this a peek.

Design your own gingerbread cookies, without the calories!

I'm a fan of just about anything on the Astralwerks label. Here you can check out what's going on with Air, Tracey Thorn, or The Kooks. Great for the discerning indie listener on your shopping list.

And for those of you who are getting married, here's a great site that will help you get organized without having to pay a planner.

Have a great night, everyone. I'll post something again, soon.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Let it Snow? I Don't Think So!

We've got one heck of an ice storm going here. All local schools are closed through tomorrow, and who knows when they will re-open. The malls are packed with people who have lost power and are trying to stay warm and fill their tummies. Here's hoping everyone stays safe! I'm unaware of my travel plan tomorrow, so if I stay in, look for an update.

If you're housebound, I'd recommend staying indoors. If you're in the clear, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you don't get any of this. It's treacherous.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Just a Friendly Reminder...

... Radiohead's In Rainbows will be available for the name-your-price download until December 10th. Get yours before it's too late! You won't want to miss this. Get it here. Let's hope other artists take their lead.

I'm off, Kiddos. Keep warm, and finish your shopping! Retail employees everywhere will thank you:)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Questions for your Thursday...

...they're a little late, but better now than never, right?

Anonymous asks: I'm wondering if you know the name of the song (and the artist) that is played on a J.C. Penney ad. There are people walking in front of stores, it's snowing and the song is playing in the background.

Some of the words are: Out in the harbor, the ships come in. It’s Christmas time. And houses lights are glowing likewise in your eyes it finds me here.All that I want, all that I want.

I've only seen this ad online (pretty much every time I play a video on MSN).

Anonymous, you're in luck. I wondered the very same thing and discovered the song is called All That I Want by a little known group called The Weepies. You can find it on an album called Happiness, which I found here on You can listen to other samples there, too. My overall impressions? Worth a listen.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Okay, I'll Fix it...

What, no questions? I'm looking into what may be the cause. I suspect that I may have set something up incorrectly when I decided to moderate comments.

Aside from working hard, I've been taking care of a few personal matters so I must apologize for updating infrequently. Here are some interesting factoids and finds to make up for what you've been missing...

Remember Pop-Up Video? Get your fix here.

Mark your calendars. The Breeders are back in April of 08! I wish I was Kim Deal:(

Should you find yourself browsing Best Buy for holiday gifts, look for the Scissor Sisters: Hurrah! Year of Ta-Dah DVD. I can feel an impromptu dance session coming on.

The Heroes season finale was Monday, and I'm already cooking up my own ideas for next season. Tim Kring weighs in on what the Villians chapter holds. SPOILER ALERT for those of you who haven't seen the finale, yet.

And I'm investigating the rumor that Amy Sedaris will star in a new movie. More to come when I know the details.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Question Time and Hotties of the Month...

So send in your questions...

In the meantime enjoy my choices for December's Hottie of the Month (Criminal Minds Edition):

The Male Hottie of the Month is Matthew Gray Gubler. Aside from seeing him in Criminal Minds as Dr. Spencer Reid, you may remember seeing him in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. He's even written, directed, and produced some of his own mockumentaries, which I would just love to get my hands on. Aside from being a hottie, it looks like this actor is a smartie, as well.

Our Female Hottie of the Month is A.J. Cook. She's played one of the Lisbon sisters in the Virgin Suicides, (a personal fave). She's played the best friend to Eliza Dushku on the short-lived, but fabulous Tru Calling. Now you can catch her as JJ on Criminal Minds. When she's not acting, she describes herself as an "everyday, average girl". Fellas, I think you can agree that she's anything but average!

Garcia fans, don't feel left out! She's my favorite, too. Sassy, smart, and stylish. There's not a category cool enough for her.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

You Know the Drill...

...'cause I'm still running round like mad, and there's not a day off in sight. While I'm slaving away, here are some fun things to keep you busy:

Can you tell the difference between a programming language inventor and a serial killer, based only on their pictures? It's harder than it looks, even if I did score a 10/10! Give it a try.

See Christmas lights from the warmth of your own home.

This is a cool site about what you can tell from a person's eyes. I can see this being quite useful. I tested a few of them, and they work.

Want to know what a movie was about, but don't have time to watch it? Got a minute?

Speaking of movies, if any of you saw No Country for Old Men this weekend, let's discuss. I thought it was quite literally, a bloody masterpiece.

No worries if you can't post comments. I decided to moderate them from here on out, so I'll just have to approve them, then they'll appear. I'm out for the evening, so keep warm, and I'll check back with you tomorrow.

Friday, November 30, 2007

R.I.P. Motocycle Man...

If you want the bad news first, go ahead and zoom down to the bottom. I'm a good news first person, so read on if that's what you are.

I liked this Mcdonald's Analogy for why guys don't care to still be friends with a girl after they break up. Something for we ladies to consider.

Have you ever wanted to see what would happen if they re-created the Abbey Road cover in Legos? End the curiosity.

I know a lot of you are Battlestar Galactica fans, so here are some vintage 1979 ads for the line of toys that Mattel produced. I wonder if they have lead in them?

Wanting to lose a few of those extra pounds, but can't seem to get motivated? This worked for me.

And in unbelievably sad news, Evel Knievel has died. He will be sorely missed.

Well, Kiddies... I'm off to relax with what's left of the evening. I'm working again tomorrow, so you all have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fair Warning...

I'll be working all day tomorrow, so I'm just making a quick post now to make up for it. I found a couple of things that may be of interest, so here ya go!

Everyone who knows me, knows I'm a huge John Cusack fan. I tracked down an interview with the cutest man ever to hold a boombox.

These are absolutely the coolest, most creative tee shirts out there. I'd wear only these if I had it my way.

Sorry to cut it short, but I'm off to play with the dog and enjoy some couch sitting time before bed. This bunny was on her feet all day!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Early Entry for Tomorrow...

I'm thinking about changing or adding some music to the Mp3 player at the bottom of my page. Anyone have any suggestions they'd like to share? Regrettably, I don't think I'll add any Christmas music, because I'm sure I will get my fill at my part-time job this season. I'm open to anything else, though. Send me your requests.

Answers in the Afternoon, (as promised)...

Here are your answers for Wednesday. I've got several things to do to prepare for work tomorrow so after this, I'm outta here for a while. Stay warm and I'll get a late entry up tomorrow evening.
Jacque Costeau, who may be reaching us from the great beyond, wanted to know: N'avez-vous pas pris des Espagnols dans le lycée ? Quand avez-vous appris le français ?
Oui, j'ai pris des Espagnols à l'école. J'ai appris être français sur le choeur pendant la majeure partie de ma vie. Le reste de ce que je sais, j'ai juste repris. Je regarde dans un de ceux "apprenez que les Français dans que la voiture" ou "apprennent le français des programmes en semaine". En attendant, j'apprends beaucoup avec des poissons de Babel.

Or if you prefer your answer in English: Yes, I did take Spanish in school. I learned some French being in choir for most of my life. The rest of what I know, I just picked up. I'm looking into one of those "Learn French in the Car" or "Learn French in a Week" programs. In the meantime, I'm learning a lot with Babel Fish.

Sadie asked (quite pitifully, I might add): Why do you love Harry more than me now? Did I do something wrong?

For those of you who don't know, Sadie is my dog that lives at my Mom's house. I attempted to take her with me when I moved out, but had some serious competition. I often get a bit of flack from those lucky enough to see her on a daily basis. Sadie was the first fuzzy love of my life. Harry's little story just melted my heart, though. Come on. I'm a sucker for anything cute and furry.
Sadie, can you ever forgive me? I'll tell you what. If you two can learn to like each other, extra long tummy rubs, and cookies all around, (but you can have just a little bit more).

Jessica wanted to know: If they were making a movie of your life, who would you want to play you?

Without question, Kate Winslet. She can do comedy, drama, and indie films like nobody's business. I even love her in Titanic. That's right, I said it!

Jan said... A few years ago, I came across this quote while surfing the web: "We would all benefit if intelligence was the general condition." I forgot where I found it and who said it. Do you know how to find out who said it?

My first inclination was to see what happened when I entered the quote into Google and hit search, but I'm sure you proved that to be as unhelpful as I did. I know there are several quote pages online that organize their quotes by topic. Quoteland was the best I found for this, but it did not yield a result. There are also quotation dictionaries, but I do not have access to one at the moment.

Frankly, just hearing it brings Winston Churchill to mind. He's my favorite curmudgeon. I also slightly suspect that it may be something one of the Crane brothers has uttered. Sadly, in all of my research, I could not locate a person to associate with that quote. It may just be anonymous. I will open it up to the readers, though. If you know who said it, send me a comment. Together we can solve the mystery.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Before I Forget...

Get those questions in to me! I'll try to have them up by tomorrow afternoon. Just remember to keep it clean, please.

Making it Quick!

I'm taking care of some personal stuff today, but I didn't want to leave you without something to get you through the second most boring day of the week.

Is graffiti art, or is is vandalism? No matter what you think about it, this site will entertain you. I've always been the kind of person who goes into a bathroom, sees graffiti on the wall, and is abhorred by all the spelling errors. Maybe I should carry a red Sharpie with me wherever I go. There's some language on here, so watch it around the kiddies, would ya?

And here's a video that's been making me laugh for the last few days. I don't speak French as fluently as I'd like, but if these two dorks can do it, then I think I'm doing just fine! Favorite word in this video -boeuf!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Cyber Monday!

If any of you heeded my advice and are waiting on today's sales, I hope you're finding some great ones. Here are a couple I've noticed, so enjoy!

Deals of America updates their site hourly with the best deals of the web. It shows images and descriptions of items on sale, as well as the current list price, so you can determine if it's a deal worth getting. They offer links to the sites that are offering the item as well. Aside from today's blowout sales, Deals offers bargains, freebies, and coupons during the rest of the year.

There are also Cash Back services like that earn a precentage of your purchase back for qualifying purchases. Signing up is free, and if you see your store on the list, simply shop as normal and reap the rewards. One thing to be aware of, your cash accumulates in an account and is sent to you periodically, not at the time of purchase. As long as you're aware of that, there's no reason not to make some of your money back.

Also, I decided to include a list of my favorite online shopping sites for deals and fun, kitchy stuff:

Perpetual Kid has a ton of novelty items for the kooky one on your list.

Mod Cloth has one of a kind clothing and decor. Great gifts for the Chuck wearing hipster in your household.

For clothing on the cheap, has something for guys and gals from infant to young adult. I bought a great faux fur accented coat from them a couple of years ago that I still love. Great deals here.

Have a nerdy someone in your life that you just adore, but draw a 0110001001101100011000010110111001101011 (that'd be binary code for 'blank') on what to get them? Try Think Geek.

Don't have any money, but still want to send a nice sentiment? This site allows you to design your own virtual bouquet and message to send to your friends who are far away.

If the commercial aspect of the Holidays isn't really your thing, you can still be in the giving spirit with Your donation of $25 allows an entrepreneuer in a developing country get the funds they need to run their businesses, get ahead, live their dreams, and provide for their families. It is absolutely changing lives.

Happy shopping (and giving)!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday Morning Beauty Blog...

Shopping for a Beauty Product Junkie, and don't know what to get 'em? Desperately trying to get your man to start caring for his skin? Want to bring some fun to the bath and shower? I've put together my Top 5 Faves for you. To make it super simple, I've included links to online stores were you can get the goods. Happy browsing!

5. Origins One of the Guys Skincare Set ($34.50) For the man in your life who needs a little help with a skincare routine. This nifty set includes face wash, moisturizer, and shaving goodies. When it's this easy, how can he help but be groomed? Give him this.

4. Best of Bliss Holiday 2007 Set ($45) Know a sweet someone who's all go, go, go, and would love to have a few moments to themselves to maintain their natural beauty? This spa treat was made for Moms and busy professionals. It has everything from hand cream to foot cream and something for every place in between. With essential oils of lemon, sage, bergamot, and vanilla, they'll come out soothed, smooth, and glowing. Get it here, and see smiles.

3. Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm ($3) Everybody knows it, everybody loves it. It's the perfect stocking stuffer, and it's just the time of year when people shouldn't be without it. It tingles when you put it on, and it's mint flavor helps cover up the coffee breath you acquired trying to get warm. I've seen it sold at Borders, Wild Oats, and Ulta. You can get it from their website, and while you're at it, try some of the other varieties. You can't go wrong with this one. Great for men and women.

2. Lush Handmade Soaps, Bath Bombs, and Bath Sets ($3.95 - $276.95) Lush has been handmaking cosmetics and bath products since 1978 and now they have almost 400 stores worldwide. It's all cruelty free, organic, and fun. I was introduced to this fun company with some little sushi soaps I recieved as a gift, and I've been wanting to try more of their stuff ever since. You can find a gift that's pre-wrapped, in any price range, for any gal or guy on your list. How can you go wrong? If you don't have a store near you, look here for great gifts.

1. Bare Minerals by Bare Escentuals (2 payments of $29.99) I just cannot rave about this stuff enough! (Hey, I'm a poet and don't know it!) It may not inspire you to write poetry, but if you're looking for a new foundation you will be amazed at the coverage you get with this mineral powder. It's light. It won't come off on clothes. It stays on all day with minimal touch-ups, if any. It's beautiful and looks like your bare skin at it's best. I don't care if they never pay me for an endorsement. I will use this foundation for life. It is simply the best. If you aren't lucky enough to have a boutique in your city for a shade match, just order the kit that's closest to your tone. It'll be perfect. When you fall in love with it, remember who recommended it.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

TV Day...

I've been spending all day watching HBO's Flight of the Conchords. I'm a bit behind, I know, but no cable = no staying current on decent television. I cannot say enough good things about it. The show centers around real-life New Zealand folk rock paradists, Jermaine and Bret. They have left home and come to New York to make it big. Hilarity ensues. Trust me. Each episode features dry humor and a couple of music videos. If you have cable, and you're not watching it, there's something wrong with you. I'd venture to say it's the best comedy on TV right now.

Check out their website (even if it does need to be updated), and this one for the show. I may have to give Mel a run for her money. I've heard they are coming back for another season, and I couldn't be happier. Have you been watching FOTC? Share your opinions with me.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Not Working Today Extravaganza!

I totally slept until noon. It was awesome. I called a friend who went out shopping at 3am, and the poor kid still walked away with nothing he went out for. It's not worth it, people! Take my advice and pay the shipping and handling to sit home in your underpants and get the deals on Cyber Monday!

As for news, here goes...

I'll have to get cable. I desperately want to watch this new show on the Sci-Fi Channel called "Tinman", which is basically about what you think it is, but with a twist. It looks like they're parterning with Habitat for Humanity to help families in need. Buy a virual brick in the Yellow Brick Road!

You have just a few more days to enter the Pale Force Giveaway.

My second favorite New Kid on the Block is a dad.

Play the Scissor Sisters' Whack a Sister game.

The ad is a little old, but it's still worth a re-watch. If you've never seen this, you're in for a treat. When you're done, go out and buy me an LCD televison. K, thanks.

This artist's work is amazing. Even if it's not your thing, you have to admit that he's talented.

Well, Kids...I'm off to laze about on what's sure to be my last day of freedom. Have a great Friday!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving: an Entry of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving!

I thought I'd use this entry as a forum for gratitude today, and I hope you will all take some time this afternoon and remember the many things you have to be grateful for. Feel free to send me comments with things you are thankful for.

First, I'm so grateful for my wonderful family and friends. Without you all, the tough times would have been tougher. I'm glad to have you around.

Second, and this is a bit selfish, I'm grateful that I won't be working Black Friday. It looks like my paperwork wasn't processed in time, and even though the money would help, I won't have to go anywhere near the scary sales and traffic jams! Woo hoo!

I'm grateful for my dog. He's a sweet little boy who entertains me constantly. I thank him for the laughter and for letting me adopt him. If that's cheezy, I don't care!

I'm happy to be given the chance to turn my finances around and make the sorts of investments that will help so many. It's been my dream, and I'm so thrilled to see it starting to develop.

I'm thankful to have a car that starts, even if I'd like to replace it soon. It's gotten me so many places, including Dallas. I'm grateful for that trip, the new friends I made, and the old friends I got to catch up with again.

I'm very lucky to have my health, and the knowledge to maintain it. I lost 30 lbs this year, and I intend to keep that up!

I'm blessed to have a roof over my head and food in my stomach. God knows there have been moments where it looked like I wouldn't have either.

Despite my feelings on some of the decisons that have been made, I'm happy to live in a free country where democracy is practiced. It could be a lot worse.

Lastly, (not that it's the last thing I'm grateful for), I'm thankful for naps. I'm going to go take one now...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It's That Time, Again...

It's answer day! Sorry to say that I only have one question this week, but it's a good one so here goes...

Anonymous wonders: what would you reccomend for a guy with out of control eyebrows? i don't really want to look too polished, but this caterpillar thing isn't really doing it for the ladies- i tried to take matters into my own hands, but the results were kinda scary-help!!!

First of all, I want to congratulate you for being one of the men out there who is concerned with grooming. I cannot tell you how many times we ladies have snickered to each other about the infamous unibrow. It's not a trade secret I'm letting you in on, but knowing this and doing something about it will get you a lot farther with the females. Are you single, because I think I might be able to set you up with some nice girls I know?

I don't know who your hair stylist is, but they may be able to help you tame those brows with a waxing. They'd clean up the strays, and maybe trim some of the super unruly ones on the top. It sounds painful, but it's not. I get it done, and I'm a total wuss. Just make sure they keep them full and don't try to give you a feminine arch! You'll probably only have to do this as often as you go in for a cut, with maybe the rare pluck job with tweezers at home. It will probably run you about $20 (on the high end), which isn't much, compared to having to explain to everyone why you look so silly when you attempted to do it yourself.

As for keeping them in place on a daily basis, I'd recommend the Brow Fix from Origins. (What can I say, I'm a fan). Just brush it through your brows, get them the way you want them, and let it dry. That'll hold 'em.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Send Me Your Questions!

Now's the time to get your questions in! I'll be posting your answers tomorrow, and then heading off to have an early Thanksgiving with my family. Thursday, I'll post enough to get you through the rest of the week, but as for Friday...ya'll are on your own.

I've decided to take a part time job to earn a little holiday cash, and I intend to take no prisoners. Remember, if you do go out for Black Friday, be kind to your sales people. You will get a lot farther if you smile and be respectful. I know it's stressful, but I'd be likely to put something back for you or mail an out-of-stock item to your home if you treat me the way you want to be treated. If you're just going to yell and demand your own way, don't bring your mess into my store. I might hold up a mirror so you can see how silly you look. Just remember that we're people, just the same as you, only we have to work.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday, Monday...

And it's just the beginning of the week. I move that we abolish Mondays. What's wrong with having 4, 10 hour shifts and having a third day off? Who's with me?

First, and the most exciting news I have heard, My Bloody Valentine is getting back together. Guess they saw their fan base grow with Lost in Translation. So far, the only confirmed tour stops are in the UK, but I remain hopeful!

I so totally love! According to them, Weezer will put out another album in April. Read about it here.

And what's this? Bowie on Spongebob. Guess I'll have to break down and watch it, now.

Start thinking of your questions for tomorrow, and I'll have them up Wednesday.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Late Sunday Edition...

It was my fear that after finally making it to the big screen that The Simpsons was finally running out of steam. Tonight's episode was just enough to calm said fear. 3 of my favorite graphic novel artists made guest appearances and I was just giddy. Want to discuss your thoughts?

In interesting movie news, Tim Burton will be directing a 3-D version of Alice in Wonderland for Disney. Read about it here.

Here's something that made my day! The White Stripes are working with Beck on some B-Sides. I am sooo looking forward to this.

And, get thee to a Best Buy and pick up the 20th Anniversary Edition of The Princess Bride. Really. I'm not kidding. What are you still doing reading this?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Try Veggie!

My readers that know me, know that I enjoy being a vegetarian. I have "friends" who have tried to pursuade me to change my values, and I'd like to challenge them to take another stance. Aside from being a great dietary benefit, it's cruelty-free, and can help you to reduce your carbon footprint!

I know a lot of you will be carnivores for life, but did you know that eating just one meatless meal a week can make a drastic change?

I took this from (read the rest of the article for more tips on how to go green!) : "While strict vegetarianism isn’t for everyone, even the most devout carnivores can cut back on meat consumption without cramping their style—and save money in the process. Industrial meat consumption requires huge energy inputs and creates noxious waste problems. The proliferation of factory farms is damaging the environment, and the global nature of the industry creates conditions that promote the spread of diseases such as avian flu, potentially costing society billions."

You don't have to be like me, and give up meat all together, but once a week isn't much to ask. What do you say?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Let's End the Week With Laughter...

...'Cause God knows it's been a long and trying one.

First off, if you don't know about this already, then we really need to sit down and have a talk. Check out the Onion for all your fake news needs. This kept me entertained all through high school.
(Scroll down to the headline with the picture of Iggy Pop. It's worth it.)

Okay, so I'm posting this one because I just ate a Hot Pocket (four cheese pizza, thank you!). Jim Gaffigan is awesome.

Ever want to to see your favorite movies re-enacted in 30 seconds by cartoon bunnies? If the answer is yes, (and it had better be), have fun with this.

And here's a blonde joke for you: A painting contractor was speaking with a woman about her job.In the first room, she said she would like a pale blue.The contractor wrote this down and went to the window, opened it, and yelled out "green side up!"
In the second room, she told the painter she would like it painted in a soft yellow.He wrote this on his pad, walked to the window, opened it, and yelled "green side up!"
The lady was somewhat curious, but she said nothing.In the third room, she said she would like it painted a warm rose color.The painter wrote this down, walked to the window, opened it and yelled "green side up!"
The lady then asked him, "Why do you keep yelling 'green side up'?""I'm sorry," came the reply. "But I have a crew of blondes laying sod across the street.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Answer Day (a day late)

I'm delighted to say that I think the weekly question and answer session will live on! I've been a bit behind this week, since I've been filling my time with job interviews and attending to a friend's personal matter. As promised, here are your answers:

Joey wanted to know: what kind of dog food is best for a small breed of dog? I'm thinking about changing brands.

I've been feeding my dog Science Diet. My family has used the brand for years, and the animal shelter I found my furry friend in recommends it, too. They offer it in several formulas, including Puppy, Adult, and Senior, as well as a diet version for overweight dogs. They have a small bites option in each formula, so it's made for a small dog's mouth. They sell it at most vet offices, as well as Petsmart and Pet Co. Here is a link to their website. A small bag should only run you about $10 a month. That's a small price to pay to insure that you are purchasing something from a reputable company that has your animal's health in mind. With the recent scare involving poisioned pet food, I'd pay much more to keep my dog healthy and happy.

Anonymous asks: I have a young child and I'm sick of listening to Raffi all day. What's something that will entertain them and me at the same time?

Let's see. Do you have an hour? I've got a ton of suggestions, but I'll just touch on a few that really stand out. I'd be entirely remiss if I didn't mention The Beatles, Yellow Submarine. Kids love it, and most adults do, as well. Show them the film! It's colorful and something they can sing along with. Somewhere in my collection, I have a Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks compilation disc that is chock full of classic learning songs recorded by rock and rap artists. Imagine Pavement, Blind Melon, or Moby singing something that will help your kidlet in school. That's good for a road trip to grandma's. I've got to say that anything done by They Might be Giants is spectacular and will entertain kids, for sure. I'd check out Here Come the ABC's. Lastly, I'll bet you didn't know that Johnny Cash made a children's album. Find it here. The Dinosaur Song is my favorite!

P.S. I had to remove one of the questions, as it was an inside joke between me and a friend. I would have attempted to answer it, but it really is a moot question that only entertains us. I'm still here to offer you fun, friendly, researched advice and answers. Keep asking and I'll keep answering!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Since I Didn't Post Yesterday...

Feel free to send in your weekly questions today, and I'll get them up tomorrow. I'd still like to see that happen on a weekly basis, so keep 'em coming!

Give the Gift of Sight!

I sent this out as an email a few months ago, but I think it bears repeating:

I just discovered something really neat. There is a charity called Give the Gift of Sight that will take your old prescription glasses and sunglasses, no matter how out of date, clean them, and send them to poor and developing countries like Ecuador and Honduras. They pair your prescription up with someone who has a similar one. They have already helped nearly 5 million people! You can help by dropping off your old glasses at Lens Crafters, Pearle Vision, Sears Optical, Sunglass Hut, or Target Optical. When you consider how blind most of us would be without our glasses, it's such a huge gift to give someone.

Something for all my four-eyed friends!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Taking a Day Off

Sorry to my loyal readers, but due to a close friend with an emergency, I will not be posting anything today. I hope to be back up and running tomorrow, but future bulletins as events warrant.

Editor's Note: Looks like all will be well with my friend, but I will still return tomorrow with something of interest. I have several phone calls to make.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy Hour Day!

November 12th is Happy Hour Day. On this day in 1745, in a pub in Ireland, the first Happy Hour took place. Grab some of your mates and have a Guinness to celebrate. Don't forget to toast! Here's a great one. Turn your speakers down, because there's some cheezy midi music playing on this one.

If you're a non-drinker, you can make yourself a mocktail and still be a part of things. Here are some great recipes:

Try a Designated Appletini. I think Zach Braff would be proud.

My favorite is the Shirley Temple. I remember ordering these when I was a little girl!

The Beach Blanket Bingo sounds tasty.

What are some of your favorites?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Black Friday

Flyers for the infamous Black Friday sales have been leaked. Here's your chance to plan your attack. Sadly, I don't see anything worth getting out of bed early for. I'd hoped there'd be a decent HDTV, but there's just not much out there. The House DVDs might be worth it, since they usually go for around $40, but braving the crowds isn't really my thing. Old Navy has some boatneck tees for $10 that I'll be needing if I take the latest job I was offered. See what you think. This girl will be watching for internet sales! I'll keep you posted on what I find.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Since it's looking like I'm going to have a pretty busy Saturday, I thought I'd post something early. I received a thoughtful comment about one of the links I put up, so as not to disapoint, here are some more things for you kiddos to play with!

Remember something from your childhood that your friends swear never existed? Prove them wrong with this. Fashion Plates did too exist!

Broke, but still want to look fabulous? Make your own skincare! I can be helpful with this, too, since I used to study Aromatherapy.

Want to know if that charity is on the up and up? Don't wait for the 20/20 expose. Look here.

Build your vocabulary, and feed the hungry at the same time. (I can't claim that I found this. I have to give credit to Sweetie McSweeterson. Awesome work, Lady.)

Ever get tired of the blanket falling off of you? This invention eliminates the problem!

Feeling down and need a reminder of how lucky you are? Go here and then give thanks.

Do you get to work and just wish you had iTunes on your computer? Try this instead. You can upload whatever you want, and then play or share from this site. Fun, and totally worth it, unless you can listen to your iPod at work.

That's all I have for now, but look for more tomorrow. Have a fun and safe weekend. I understand that the two aren't usually mutually exclusive.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Happy Neon Sign Day!

Today is, you guessed it, Neon Sign Day. Today in 1911, Georges Claude was given a patent for his glowy, glitzy signs. Here are some of my favorites:

The Pink Motel is located in Cherokee, NC. Still open for business!

The Elephant Super Car Wash has been serving Seattle since 1951!

The Smiling Buddha was something of a CBGBs for Canadians. Parts of it are featured in the punk mocumentary, Hard Core Logo.

Ah, the Stardust. May it R.I.P.

Andy's is in San Jose, California.

Speaking of Andy and Neon, if you make it out to the Comedy Store sometime, do me a favor and take a picture of Andy Kaufman's sign. I looked for it all over the internet, and couldn't find a thing. I would be forever grateful. In fact, I propose that we make today Andy Kaufman Appreciation Day, as well! Youtube up some videos of him. Listen to Man on the Moon on my mp3 player. Watch reruns of Taxi. How can you not love the lunatic?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Four-Legged Friends

Many of you know that I adopted my dog from an animal rescue foundation. I was lucky enough to be working there at the time and heard a story about his little life before he came to the center to be adopted. Apparently he'd once been a show dog, or at least the owners thought he would be one until his ears came in floppy instead of pointy. Anyway, they moved and just left him there to fend for himself. The people who brought him into the shelter, neighbors of the previous owners, tried to keep him, but he attempted to "display dominance" over their other dog. The poor baby had never even been neutered. This is common in show dogs, since they often make money off of the males by charging a stud fee. At what point he was made to fear large males, I will never know, but I can assume. I took him into one of the kennels in the back and instantly my heart was his. This furball is family now!

Animal rescue and protection is a cause very dear to my heart. I found this great organization that helps fight abuse and neglect on an International level, and not just here in the States. Look into your hearts, or at the cute little fuzzbucket next to you, and check this out! I will warn you, if you've got a soft heart, you will probably cry. If it touches you, I hope it fuels you to do something. If we don't speak up for them, who will?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

More Questions...

...for 5W Wednesday. It appears that Harrison's question got the ball rolling

Joey asks: What's your favorite kitchen utensil? Why?

Hmm, I have many kitchen utensils that I use regularly. I love to cook, so this one is a good one. I'd have to say that my favorite kitchen utensil is the apple slicer. It's a round device with blades and a hole in the middle for the core. Talk about useful! No more slicing up your fingers with a knife. Find one here.

Anonymous ponders: You seem to be a very intelligent and creative person. Do you think it's genetic?

You know, Anonymous, I do think it's genetic. I have a mother who is brillant and resourceful, and a dad who was very handy and hilarious. It appears that I get it from both sides.

Another anonymous poster wonders: You have a very diverse musical interest. Did someone in your life influence your musical tastes?

I think that several people have influenced my musical taste. My parents and grandparents had amazing music to grow up to, so a lot of what I like came from them. Most of my friends are great go-to people for new music, and are even musicians themselves. My sister influences what I listen to a lot, because she seems to have better taste than I did when I was her age. I find a lot of what I like online, though. I found a really inventive streaming music site that's broadened my list of favorites. It even matches your current mood. Give it a listen. Maybe you'll find something you like, too.

Thanks for the questions. Keep them coming and I'll feature the rest next Wednesday!

Webcomics Edition

I though this would be a fun place to display my favorite webcomics. They are a husband and wife who each have their own site, and then one they run together. Prepare to laugh, and want to buy their t-shirts.

The first one is from Her stuff is sassy, hilarious, and brightly colored. Check out her "Will Knit for Tattoos" shirt. I can't wait to order mine! Next up is one from I discovered Toothpaste for Dinner first, and noticed the link to Natalie Dee's site at the top of the page. That's a good man who helps his wife succeed. I can't imagine what it would be like to be a guest in their house. You must be laughing all the time.

And the last one is from, which they run together. I like that it's vintage images with modern humor. I would imagine that it would offend some people, so I'd warn those people to stick to the top two sites. Here's one of my favorites:

Hope they made you laugh!

Wednesday: Answers for your Questions...

Harrison wrote: "I have a question for you. Why does no one ever send in a question?"

Harrison, I'm glad you asked. From the looks of things, it appears that I'm just not getting enough exposure. Exposure equals visits to my blog, and that equals comments and questions. The simple solution is the "tell a friend method" as this inspires curiosity, which as we know, is something many people are tempted by. I imagine a phone call or lunch where a friend asks you what you've been up to, and your response can be "You know, I've been reading this awesome blog. This chick with great taste and sense of humor runs it. You should check it out. It's really changed my life." As for other reasons, I have to assume that people are just busy. Worst case scenario, people just don't like what I'm putting up. In that case, you probably don't want them around, anyhow. Am I right?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Check it out!

Scroll down. That's right, all the way to the bottom. I added a flash mp3 player, to snazz this place up a bit. It's not set to autostart because I know some of you read this at work, and I'd hate to get you in trouble. Also, it's not set to play more than one song at the moment, so I'm looking into a fix for it. In the meantime, feel free to create your own shuffle, or listen in the order I have them. You'll just have to click on the next song you want to hear after the one you're listening to has finished.

There should be something for everyone. I put new and indie artists, oldies, childhood nostalgia, and TV themes, so go nuts. I'll probably change the selection from time to time, so if there's anything you'd like to hear, put in a request.

P.S. I'm still feeling a bit ick, so I'll check back with you tomorrow. Don't forget to get your questions in to me for 5W Wednesday. It wasn't quite the success I had hoped for last time, so let's get it going, kids!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Thoughts for a Monday...

First, did you all watch Family Guy last night? Let's discuss.

This morning, I woke up with another sore throat. I had one about two weeks ago, and all I can think of is that it's somehow stress related. That being the current theory, and keeping with the previous post, here are some more stress reducers:

Origins has a great product called Peace of Mind. You rub a tiny dab into your temples, earlobes, and the back of your neck. It will tingle the stress away with a blend of peppermint, eucalyuptus, and basil essential oils, all known for their ability to eliminate headaches.

Speaking of essential oils, Clary-Sage is great for both stress and sore throats. If I'm stressed, I put a few drops and some water in a diffuser, and then just sit back with some tea and some soothing music. In the case of sickness, I fill the sink with some boiling hot water, put 3 drops in, and create a steam tent with a towel draped over my head. Aside from being great for clearing stuff out of your lungs, it's great for your skin. Look here for some more oils and aromatherapy products for your health and well-being.

A few years back, I found beading to be great for stress, and even depression. As humans, I think we all feel better when we create something, right? I started out with a bag of multi colored seed beads, making bracelets, and then graduated to necklaces and earrings with wooden beads and crystals. Anyone with an ounce of creativity can do it, and when you're done, you have something beautiful to show for it. Here's a great site to get you started. They have beads, clasps, and other accents for jewelry making at a low price.

I have a magic headache cure that's worked for me as long as I could get to my stereo or iPod. Want to know what it is? "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles. It can be anything from a tension headache or a migrane and it either eliminates it totally, or greatly improves it. I just put the song on, close my eyes, and visualize the words. When the song is over, so is the pain. This probably only works if you like them, though.

Lastly, isn't laughter supposed to be the best medicine? I know when I laugh everyday, I'm not nearly as stressed. I found a video that made me giggle. Don't watch it it work, though. There's some mild language. I'd give it a PG-13 rating.

That's it for now. Hope I could help you cope with your Monday.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Did You Set Your Clocks Back?

Just a friendly reminder to give yourself an extra hour today. That is, if your gadgets didn't set themselves back already. I'm dismayed to discover that my cell phone did not update, but I suppose that's my fault for getting a refurbished phone. I'm ready to replace it, and open to suggestions.

Since most of you will be reading this as you return to work Monday, I thought I'd fire off a quick entry for you. Relieve your stress here. For more effective relief, click in the Manic Mode box.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Arbonne, Anyone?

Those of you who know me, know I've been an Arbonne Independent Consultant for a few years now. What initially sold me was the business model and the successes of people I know. After becoming better acquainted with the company, I started just loving some of the product. The Arbonne Intelligence Exfoliating Mask with Thermal Fusion is no exception.

Whether you're a lady wanting to look lovely, or a guy just wanting to take better care of his skin, you'll love this. I rub it on dry and let it sit for about 5 minutes (or the amount of time it takes for my shower to heat up). Then I add a bit of water to my fingertips and scrub for a minute, then rinse. It will make your skin red for a very little while after you rinse, but that's a result of the heating action getting into your pores. I feel a difference in my skin immediately, but I'm more impressed with the difference I've seen over time. It's controlled blackheads, and reduced some acne scarring I thought I'd have to blast away with dermabrasion, which is a big deal for me.

Sadly, if I've sold you, you can't just walk into a store or purchase this online. I might be able to strike a deal with you, since, you know, I sell the stuff. *wink, wink* *nudge, nudge*

Friday, November 2, 2007

Dreaded Tag Agency Excursion...

Want to feel like a number and a serious annoyance to a Government worker at the same time? Head on down to your local Tag Agency and attempt to stay within the confines of the law. What gives? Why does obeying a ridiculous rule, and paying a crazy amount of money to do so, cause so many dour expressions and sarcastic remarks? I sincerely do not want to do this.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Okay, Boys!

I heard it through the grapevine that I get some male readers on the odd occasion. I suppose it's not fair to cover the blog with only male hotties, so here's something for you, too. November's Female Hottie is none other than Eva Amurri. She's smart, she's a Goodwill Ambassador, and beautiful to boot. If you're thinking she looks familiar, perhaps you've seen her in Saved, or heard of her mother, Susan Sarandon. Look for her in the upcoming comedy, Middle of Nowhere, due to hit theaters next year.


New magazine subscriptions are the best! I just got my first issue of Nylon, which I nabbed for a cool $5 for 2 years on ebay (tip of the day, btw). Imagine my delight when the second page is an ad for my favorite store H&M. We really need to get one of these in Oklahoma. Fashionable clothing for budget conscious chicas (there's stuff for you guys, too). While the website isn't shoppable, you can log in and create a virtual model of yourself and try on the entire Fall line without leaving your house. I've spotted at least a dozen things I want already.
In Oklahoma, you have two choices: you can either shop at Old Navy and look like you're not even trying, or blow your entire paycheck on a just a top from an indie owned boutique. It's simply unfair. Let's start a campaign to get one in our state. St. Louis is too far to drive once a season. Who's with me?