Thursday, March 27, 2008

Don't Ever Say I Didn't Give You Anything...

Are you sick and frickin' tired of not having jeans or bras that fit? Didya catch that Oprah and feel like she fitted everyone, but you? Never fear. I've come to your rescue with Zafu. Weird name, genius idea. What are you waiting for? Go. Be happy.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nerd News Now

Lost Highway is finally on DVD, but then again, you diehard David Lynch-ers probably already knew that.

Joan of Arcadia fans will be delighted to watch this short film, staring Jason Ritter. Well, tomorrow they will be. It's not quite up, yet. In the meantime, catch up on all the other shorts in this series. They tell a story, so best to watch them sequentially. Look for Josh Hartnett, Saffron Burrows, and Lukas Haas.

There will be no more episodes of The Return of Jezebel James. Gotta say, as much as I love Parker Posey and Lauren Ambrose, the show was pretty painful to watch.

For years since it's release, people have been talking about a Boondock Saints sequel. Frankly, I think it's better left as is, but I won't stop myself from seeing it if it becomes reality.

Here is a feature about one of my favorite authors, Bret Easton Ellis. It's wordy, so be a reader first before commiting to the article. (sidenote: If you can somehow get your hands on the uncorrected proof version of Glamorama, you're in for a treat. I found one at a used book sale several months ago, and it is the coolest book in my collection.)

That's all folks. Going to the spa today for a little R&R. More later...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What's a Girl to Do?

I've been watching a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer this week, so Joss Whedon has crossed my mind a couple of times. I'd heard something a few months back about a new show he'd been working on, called Dollhouse. It's set to star the always beautiful, Eliza Dushku. I also understand that she's helping to produce, which should be interesting. It worries me a little that I haven't heard anything in a while, but just thought I'd get the word out there so we Whedon fans can start stirring some excitement.

This also brings me to post a problem for you, my readers, to help me solve. I loaned my seasons of Buffy to a friend and fan, after explaining how important they were to me and that they were to be kept out of reach of children and animals. They were returned to me promptly and in, what I thought was, excellent condition. I'm watching them now, and a few episodes seem a little glitchy. I say glitchy, and I mean that they hiccup in the dvd player over and over again until it finally seizes up and no longer plays the episode. I then have to turn off the player, restart the episode, and fast forward beyond the skipping segment in order for it to play. I'm wondering if it's terrible of me to ask that they replace the damaged seasons or if I should just chalk this up to a lesson learned and no longer loan any of my things to anyone? I mean, I have seen them a billion times, but that's part of why I love the show so much, it's very re-watchable. I don't want this to cause a rift in my friendship, and frankly, I didn't want to loan them out in the first place. What do you think?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Google. Is There Anything They Can't Do?

I was recently alerted by my brilliant and beautiful mother that Google has added a new feature called Goog-411. It's as easy as calling 1-800-GOOG-411 from your phone, stating the location and name of the business you want to connect to, and they will connect you for free. They will even map the destination for you, if your phone has internet capabilities. All the more reason for someone to buy me an iPhone, right? Here's a nifty tutorial.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Got a Question?

I haven't done an answer session in a while, and just found this comment from one of my readers...

Anonymous asked: "okay so this question is a bit late, given the date of this post, but here goes-several years ago, HP was running a series of adds for their printers/photo software, with some really good commercials, including one that featured the cure's 'pictures of you'....the question:there were several (really cool) clips that featured a song with the phrase "picture book" in it- sounded like an old song, with echoes of early stuff by the who, but i have no idea who did it-any ideas?"

Anonymous, you're probably refering to a song called Picture Book by the Kinks. This is a link to the commercial on You Tube. Is that the one you were thinking of? Hope I helped. Also, check them out on the Darjeeling Limited soundtrack. Great movie, perfectly matched music. One of my favorite actors, Jason Schwartzman, is in it.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

David Archuletta, Schmavid Archuletta...

I'm about to make a serious confession here, so please, do not think any less of me. I have been watching this season of American Idol. This is, in part, due to the writer's strike leaving me without any new episodes of Scrubs, The Office, or Pushing Daisies. I have to admit something that might make me the creepy, old lady, but I have a totally harmless crush on Jason Castro. He reminds me of the very first boy I liked in high school. Aside from being adorable, this guy pulled off a Leonard Cohen song tonight that shocked me. The voice break was an accident, but the judges totally bought it as a "vulnerability". Double points for that. American Idol does Leonard Cohen? I mean, sure, it's one of the most recognizable tunes he's done, but still. I have no more words.

Well, I guess I have one more sentence: If I believed in text messaging, I would vote for the kid.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Hotties of the Month: Academy Awards Edition

I wasn't going to watch them this year, but Jon Stewart is just such a draw. It was actually a pretty good show, despite the fact that they forgot Brad Renfro in the "In Memoriam" section. Heath was there, of course, but no love for Brad. I remembered him in my own way the following night, by watching Ghost World and then trying to count the number of times my sister and I watched The Cure on cable.

Well, I suppose I'll give you my picks for March Hotties...

Your Male Hottie is Javier Bardem. Aside from being an Oscar winning actor, he paints and plays rugby. Me encanta. If you haven't seen No Country for Old Men yet, do yourself a favor and get to a theater. It is a brilliant adaptation of a genius Cormac McCarthy novel. It'll just help you to get through it to know how smoldering Mr. Bardem is underneath the psychosis and Prince Valiant haircut.

Your Female Hottie is the adorable Ellen Page. I did finally get to see Juno, and now I see what all the buzz was about. In interviews, Ellen is smart and sassy, like her character. She also seemed so laid back and humble. Like someone you would go grab a beer with. She even had Barbara Walters singing a Moldy Peaches song, which is something I never thought I would live to see. I'd commend her, but to be honest, it's a little scary to know that Babs is down with the Peaches. I might have to start listening to the Doodletown Pipers and Lawrence Welk to stay alternative. Keep your eyes on this gal. Her career is just taking off. I can't wait to see what she does next.