Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

I just wanted to make sure to wish all the readers a wonderful 2008! Many changes are on my horizon, including more time to update, so look for more posts! Since I've been slacking on 5W Wednesdays, I thought I'd open up the comments for you all to post your resolutions. Here are a few of mine:

1. I will be better about taking photos of friends and family. Photography has always interested me and now that I have a camera, I'd love to just document life more. Maybe I'll even post a few here for you to see!

2. I will spend more time with my family, especially grandparents. Life moves so fast. It's important to let those you love know that you do.

3. I will get my new job started and my home business off the ground. Yes, it's a shamless plug, but if you want some Arbonne, message me and I'll be happy to help. When you see me around town in my white Mercedes, don't say I didn't ask! I'm going places with this:)

4. I will recycle. We don't have curbside service here, like I did in my hometown, but there are recycling facilities in nearly all the Walmart Supercenter parking lots and if I don't do it, I can't count on anyone else to. Remember that we don't inherit the Earth from our parents, it is on loan from our children.

5. I will worry less about things I have no control over. This is a big one for me, so I'm sure it won't be easy, but perspective, prayer, and some good tunes should help get me in the right frame of mind.

6. I will write more Thank Yous. It's something small, but can really make a person's day. If you're grateful for something someone's done for you, or given you, don't just tell them. Write it down.

Now it's your turn. What do you want this year to hold for you and your loved ones?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Beauty Review...

My budget dictates that I must wait until bills are paid before I get to try new things, but I went ahead and splurged on some new shampoo from Origins, and I am totally impressed.

Origins Knot Free Shampoo and Finishing Rinse are top rated in my book. My hair is pretty fine, but tangles very easily. If I don't use the right blend, I either wind up with an oil slick, or a matted mess. After the first use, my hair was shiny, smooth, and easily combed through. It had a very pleasant Peach and Black Currant scent that made it fun to use. It's nice knowing that I'm using a product that's cruelty-free and environmentally friendly, as well. It did not alter my color treated hair one bit, and I would venture to say, it protected it with all the feel-good ingredients. I would recommend this product to anyone, especially people with damaged hair who are looking to restore luster to their locks. Look for it in the large size, for $30 US, because you'll want to be sure you never run out. If your wallet looks at you funny, you can get small bottles around $12 US.

I'll be making this splurge from now on!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas...

I hope you're settled in for the evening. I also hope you have a day tomorrow that is filled with family, food, and happiness. I'd love to get some comments on how the holiday went for you, and what you unwrapped!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

A Plea From a Sick and Miffed Retail Employee...

Since I sound like a cross between Bea Arthur and Marge Simpson this morning and am also running a temperature, I am putting this plea out there. Please, please, pretty please, if you are sick, postpone your shopping excursions. This will be the second time I have been ill in the 3 weeks before Christmas. The people helping you purchase your presents are incredibly stressed already. This weakens our immune systems and passes any and all germs with a vengance. Make sure you're washing your hands constantly and DO NOT wait until the last minute to wrap up your gifting. I also ask that you please refrain from coughing on or around me. Frankly, that's just rude.

That being said, if you see me today, please be kind. I'd love nothing more than to go back to bed, but I'll be there wrapping your gifts, ringing your purchases, and doing my darndest to make sure you have a good Christmas, because I am an integral part of running the store you are shopping in. Next year, do not wait until the last 3 days to complete your list, and you will be giving your help the best present of all.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Answers for Thursday...

I got a question! Yay. It's a good one, too...

Anonymous said...
what are you asking santa for this year?

Anonymous, I didn't ask for much, but I'm really hoping for a digital camera. I've been meaning to take more pictures, and frankly, my little camera phone just isn't up to the task. Other than this, I'm putting any money I might receive toward a laptop because I will need to take it on appointments for my new job. My fingers are crossed for a Mac of some sort, because I'd love to use it for artwork, and I already have a pc. If not, just something that runs would be nice. Anything else I might get would just be a wonderful bonus. As long as I can spend a relaxing day with my family, I'll be happy!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I'm flipping through the latest issue of Spin, (which I got for free, btw), and I come across the coolest, minimalistic cd player I have ever seen. Upon investigation, I discovered it was manufactured by a Japanese company called Muji, who has just opened it's doors in the U.S. They have a multitude of items and great price points. Take a look! I don't know about you, but it makes me long for a total home makeover.

And, hey! Don't forget to send in your questions. I didn't get any last week, and I'd like to keep the answer session going!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Oh, Eddie...

...if only you would enunciate.

Enjoy. If you're as stressed as I am, I hope this makes you smile.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Snow Storm?

Nah. It was more like a light dusting. There are some icy patches on the roads, but not enough to cause any accidents. Thankfully, I have the day off tomorrow, and plan to avoid going out, in case my estimations are off.

Thought I'd post a few suggestions for last minute gifts I've seen while hunting around on my breaks from work. All of these things are available online, so you don't have to worry about braving the cold, or the crowds at the mall. A lot of these places giftwrap for free, so take advantage of it. It's a gift in and of itself.

Aveda has some great gifts for hair and body. They smell great, and are natural, too. Plus, they offer 2nd day shipping on orders of $40 or more.

Brookstone has these great lighted coasters. Put your clear glasses on them, and they light up, changing the color of your drink. They come 4 to a set, and would be great for that guy or gal on your list who seeks the unique.

Gap has some cute scarves, hats, and gloves. Look for the (PRODUCT) RED ones, for a warm gift that does good!

Origins has cute snow leopards for the kid in all of us. $3 from every purchase goes to save snow leopards in the Kyrgyzstan mountains in Central Asia. Sadly, only 300 are still roaming in their natural habitat.

Clinique has a unique gift idea. Customize a bottle of Happy with the photo of your choice. Get them in right away, though. It takes 10 business days for the finished product.

That's what I saw today. I'll post more ideas for you in the days to come. I hope everyone is staying warm and isn't stressing. I know it's cliched to tell you to remember "the reason for the season", but I hope it helps to put gifting into perspective. It's not about the gifts we give, but about the gift we were given!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Well, Dear Readers...

We're bracing for yet another storm today into Saturday, but this time, we're facing snow instead of ice. Frankly, I'm ready to pack up and move. This entry serves as fair warning, in case I lose power. It's just so sad that the people who are still without heat and electricity from the last storm, will probably not see it back on until next week when this all clears. Anyone have a tropical timeshare they might be willing to let me use?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Oh, Yeah...

...send in those questions. I'll see what I can do about getting them up by tomorrow evening.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Ice is Melting...

...but tons of people are still without power. It doesn't look like it will be back on for at least a week, so this is just a quick entry, that many of you will probably not be able to read anyway.

I spotted this on It's the 9 Most Unnecessary Greatest Hits Albums of All Time. It's great for a giggle.

It's not going to dazzle or amaze you, but if you're a House fan, give this a peek.

Design your own gingerbread cookies, without the calories!

I'm a fan of just about anything on the Astralwerks label. Here you can check out what's going on with Air, Tracey Thorn, or The Kooks. Great for the discerning indie listener on your shopping list.

And for those of you who are getting married, here's a great site that will help you get organized without having to pay a planner.

Have a great night, everyone. I'll post something again, soon.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Let it Snow? I Don't Think So!

We've got one heck of an ice storm going here. All local schools are closed through tomorrow, and who knows when they will re-open. The malls are packed with people who have lost power and are trying to stay warm and fill their tummies. Here's hoping everyone stays safe! I'm unaware of my travel plan tomorrow, so if I stay in, look for an update.

If you're housebound, I'd recommend staying indoors. If you're in the clear, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you don't get any of this. It's treacherous.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Just a Friendly Reminder...

... Radiohead's In Rainbows will be available for the name-your-price download until December 10th. Get yours before it's too late! You won't want to miss this. Get it here. Let's hope other artists take their lead.

I'm off, Kiddos. Keep warm, and finish your shopping! Retail employees everywhere will thank you:)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Questions for your Thursday...

...they're a little late, but better now than never, right?

Anonymous asks: I'm wondering if you know the name of the song (and the artist) that is played on a J.C. Penney ad. There are people walking in front of stores, it's snowing and the song is playing in the background.

Some of the words are: Out in the harbor, the ships come in. It’s Christmas time. And houses lights are glowing likewise in your eyes it finds me here.All that I want, all that I want.

I've only seen this ad online (pretty much every time I play a video on MSN).

Anonymous, you're in luck. I wondered the very same thing and discovered the song is called All That I Want by a little known group called The Weepies. You can find it on an album called Happiness, which I found here on You can listen to other samples there, too. My overall impressions? Worth a listen.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Okay, I'll Fix it...

What, no questions? I'm looking into what may be the cause. I suspect that I may have set something up incorrectly when I decided to moderate comments.

Aside from working hard, I've been taking care of a few personal matters so I must apologize for updating infrequently. Here are some interesting factoids and finds to make up for what you've been missing...

Remember Pop-Up Video? Get your fix here.

Mark your calendars. The Breeders are back in April of 08! I wish I was Kim Deal:(

Should you find yourself browsing Best Buy for holiday gifts, look for the Scissor Sisters: Hurrah! Year of Ta-Dah DVD. I can feel an impromptu dance session coming on.

The Heroes season finale was Monday, and I'm already cooking up my own ideas for next season. Tim Kring weighs in on what the Villians chapter holds. SPOILER ALERT for those of you who haven't seen the finale, yet.

And I'm investigating the rumor that Amy Sedaris will star in a new movie. More to come when I know the details.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Question Time and Hotties of the Month...

So send in your questions...

In the meantime enjoy my choices for December's Hottie of the Month (Criminal Minds Edition):

The Male Hottie of the Month is Matthew Gray Gubler. Aside from seeing him in Criminal Minds as Dr. Spencer Reid, you may remember seeing him in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. He's even written, directed, and produced some of his own mockumentaries, which I would just love to get my hands on. Aside from being a hottie, it looks like this actor is a smartie, as well.

Our Female Hottie of the Month is A.J. Cook. She's played one of the Lisbon sisters in the Virgin Suicides, (a personal fave). She's played the best friend to Eliza Dushku on the short-lived, but fabulous Tru Calling. Now you can catch her as JJ on Criminal Minds. When she's not acting, she describes herself as an "everyday, average girl". Fellas, I think you can agree that she's anything but average!

Garcia fans, don't feel left out! She's my favorite, too. Sassy, smart, and stylish. There's not a category cool enough for her.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

You Know the Drill...

...'cause I'm still running round like mad, and there's not a day off in sight. While I'm slaving away, here are some fun things to keep you busy:

Can you tell the difference between a programming language inventor and a serial killer, based only on their pictures? It's harder than it looks, even if I did score a 10/10! Give it a try.

See Christmas lights from the warmth of your own home.

This is a cool site about what you can tell from a person's eyes. I can see this being quite useful. I tested a few of them, and they work.

Want to know what a movie was about, but don't have time to watch it? Got a minute?

Speaking of movies, if any of you saw No Country for Old Men this weekend, let's discuss. I thought it was quite literally, a bloody masterpiece.

No worries if you can't post comments. I decided to moderate them from here on out, so I'll just have to approve them, then they'll appear. I'm out for the evening, so keep warm, and I'll check back with you tomorrow.