Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy February, Kiddos!

So, I had a concussion on Thursday. Before you fret, I'm fine now. It's actually a funny story....

I was on my way into the Ladies Room at work and headed into the stall, when the door came off the hinge and knocked me on the forehead. I remember saying "ouch", and looking in the mirror and seeing a huge indention, then at some point sitting in my bosses office saying "I'm pretty dizzy, and I kinda want to take a nap." Then we were in the car on our way to the urgent care center.

I ended up staying home until today recovering, so I guess it was at least somewhat serious. I was joking with a co-worker today, saying that it made me forget math, but those of you that know me know that I don't just keep that calculator in my purse for looks!

My advice to you, look before you pee, and I don't just mean the seat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, love the post and blog, will definitely read it through