Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Artist's Edition

It's Tuesday, and frankly, I'm suffering from a bit of blogger's block. How's about I just put up some nifty links of amazingly talented artists for you to enjoy, and include some artsy time wasters to get you through the second most boring day of the week?

A page of photos taken by artist Mark Jenkins.

An online, interactive kaleidoscope. This is oddly reminiscent of my high school trips to the planetarium in Boulder. I could play with this all day, as long as I had some cool music going in iTunes.

Want to paint and learn about yourself at the same time?

This is way more cool than writing "wash me" on that dust covered car in the parking lot.

This is a painting and not a photograph. It's 99% Airbrush, and it puts all I've ever done to shame. Freakin' amazing!

I think this is art, but I guess I'll leave that up to you. You have to admit, it's creative. Those kooky Germans!

As a last minute edit, I saw this story and it just touched my heart. This young artist deserves lots of recognition.

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