Monday, October 29, 2007

Origins to the Rescue!

Many of you know that I worked for Origins a few years ago as a sales guide, make-up artist, and interim Counter Manager. I took the job because I loved the product, and was thrilled to get it at a discount. I had acne for a number of years, and it was this line that finally started clearing up my skin. Sadly, I had to leave because the store my counter was in made it a nightmare to stay. I'm spare you all the sob story, but suffice it to say, if our Account Manager hadn't been such a chore of a woman, I would still be working for this awesome company. I check back with their free standing store and the website on a fairly regular basis, just to see what they're up to and what new products I'll have to put on my "To Try" list. They've always been natural, but now organic, too! Good stuff for your face and for the Earth.

Check it out: New product!

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