Monday, February 25, 2008

Has it Happened to You?

I recently viewed my cell phone bill and discovered an insane amount of overage minutes (we're talking near to a thousand, and all of my rollover minutes used). It would be simply impossible for me to have used the phone that much, and what's more is that "In an attempt to be a little more paper conscious" I can no longer view my bill details that I receive monthly. I tried to verify this information online, and because I am now in a different billing cycle, the call details for the last cycle are no longer available. The long and short of it is that I suspect fraud on the account. Either my phone was cloned, or the system left off a part of my plan, like mobile to mobile calling, or 7 pm Nights and Weekends. I'm asking you, my Dear readers, if you have ever had this happen to you, and what you did about it. I intend to speak with the fraud department this afternoon and set up the investigation into the mess. Please, fill me in if you're privy to the process. I want to know as much as I can about this!

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