Monday, November 5, 2007

Thoughts for a Monday...

First, did you all watch Family Guy last night? Let's discuss.

This morning, I woke up with another sore throat. I had one about two weeks ago, and all I can think of is that it's somehow stress related. That being the current theory, and keeping with the previous post, here are some more stress reducers:

Origins has a great product called Peace of Mind. You rub a tiny dab into your temples, earlobes, and the back of your neck. It will tingle the stress away with a blend of peppermint, eucalyuptus, and basil essential oils, all known for their ability to eliminate headaches.

Speaking of essential oils, Clary-Sage is great for both stress and sore throats. If I'm stressed, I put a few drops and some water in a diffuser, and then just sit back with some tea and some soothing music. In the case of sickness, I fill the sink with some boiling hot water, put 3 drops in, and create a steam tent with a towel draped over my head. Aside from being great for clearing stuff out of your lungs, it's great for your skin. Look here for some more oils and aromatherapy products for your health and well-being.

A few years back, I found beading to be great for stress, and even depression. As humans, I think we all feel better when we create something, right? I started out with a bag of multi colored seed beads, making bracelets, and then graduated to necklaces and earrings with wooden beads and crystals. Anyone with an ounce of creativity can do it, and when you're done, you have something beautiful to show for it. Here's a great site to get you started. They have beads, clasps, and other accents for jewelry making at a low price.

I have a magic headache cure that's worked for me as long as I could get to my stereo or iPod. Want to know what it is? "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles. It can be anything from a tension headache or a migrane and it either eliminates it totally, or greatly improves it. I just put the song on, close my eyes, and visualize the words. When the song is over, so is the pain. This probably only works if you like them, though.

Lastly, isn't laughter supposed to be the best medicine? I know when I laugh everyday, I'm not nearly as stressed. I found a video that made me giggle. Don't watch it it work, though. There's some mild language. I'd give it a PG-13 rating.

That's it for now. Hope I could help you cope with your Monday.

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